Thursday, 20 September 2012

Quick pan round!

Rubbish video with really annoying vehicle backing and bleeping.  Will take a better one when no one is there at the weekend!

Nearly a garden!

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Watch the garden progess

If you go to and look under "News" in April, August and September you will be able to see the garden progress and there is a good plan on there too of the finished design.  More photos tomorrow as I haven't been up there since Thursday last......

Thanks to Ully for these early photos

You soon forget how it used to look!!!

Look how far we have come!

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Bibby on another windy day!

Bibby always seems to bring the windy weather with her!  Felt a bit wintry up there today as well.  We had lunch in the Hare and Hounds and caught up with the family news which was fun.

Builders' Fashion Page!

Malc sporting shorts and woolly socks!!  You would have thought they would have learned by now that the temperature at the barns is always colder than anywhere else in the county....
and Dell - with clothes on this time!!

Monday, 10 September 2012

Roofwork nearly completed

Ol, Zaira and the stonework

Ol and Zaira were with us for the weekend - lots of prediction whist and hedgehog saving!  If you look at the wall behind them (sorry O and Z!!) you can see three stages of stonework;  the original on the right and above the door;  the mortar removed on the top left and the finished effect bottom left....

Garden progress

This is the stone area outside the study/bedroom - the room with the arched window.  The blue tiles have been lying around at Ewerby ever since we have lived there - 10 years now - so it is good to see them being used.  The area outside the kitchen will be similar to this.

I couldn't resist

 Hedgehogs again!  Fingers crossed they survive.  Angela will only get in touch with us if they do and she will let us know when they are ready to be put back into the wild or into her hedgehog garden - which should be around May of next year.

Sunday, 9 September 2012


You will have noticed that the blog now has a slightly new look......thanks, firstly to my lovely cousin Jane whose blog ( gave me the inspiration to be more daring and, secondly, to Zaira who held my hand and helped me to be more daring......I expect I will forget how to do everything just as soon as she leaves but, hey ho, it was fun to do

Hedgehog rescue

A very dramatic two days.  Peter French came with a digger to remove a heap of garden rubbish from our wildlife garden at Ewerby.  There at the bottom of the pile were these three tiny babies.......but - NO MUM!  So we moved them to a safe place, Zaira made a new home for them and we hoped Mum may return overnight.  But no!  And we could only find two of them..So........ we rang Angela Smith from Old Leake near Boston who hand rears lost souls (hedgehog souls only).  Off we went in the mini.  Me, Zai and two tiny spiky babies... Angela was amazing (Caddington Hedgehogs).  She is going to rear them and let us know how they get on.  She did say that they were too small to have survived anyway.  This is possibly to do with odd summer weather conditions - late breeding or loss of first litter.   OK I realise this has nothing to do with the barns but I just thought you should all know!! 

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

5th September

Well, it's the 5th September.  In 1942 Mum and Dad were married on this day.  Sadly they are no longer with us but I do often wonder what they would have thought of the barns turning into a home.  Mum, I expect, would have thought we were completely mad (and I have to say there have been times I would have agreed with her!) and Dad, I feel, would have loved it!  He would have had lots of ideas and gently put them forward in his own inimitable way!  I have a funny feeling he would have known exactly where to put the stairs!!

Happy Birthday to Geoff Way today as well x

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Well, things are really coming on now.  A meeting this afternoon with Dave and Cliff to talk about the new doors (the large barn ones) was good.  Cliff is going to make them as near to the old as possible.  In the meantime we are hoping to conclude the order for all the windows this week.  They will take approximately 8 weeks to manufacture - exciting times.  Still talking about the stairs and where to put them!!  Lots of ideas but still not completely sure.....  With the new roof almost in place the whole house begins to feel more like a home than a building site.  The scaffolding comes down from the front of the dining room tomorrow which will leave the gardeners free to go mad!

Beautiful Steps!

Old doors to new - hopefully

Old Doors to be remade

Really coming together now

Noreen came to inspect!

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