Thursday, 23 February 2012


The roof is fast disappearing and we have (inevitably I suppose) found that quite a lot - if not all - of the rafters will have to be replaced.  Such are the problems with converting an old barn....We are still not sure how long the building has been there and really should look into it.  Still poor quality photos but that will change soon.....

Roof Work

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Scaffolding up!

Scaffolding Up!

I have gone and left my camera in York and so the ones below are not the best quality - sorry Dell!  All go now with scaffolding going up ready to remove the roof at the end of this week.  The footings are in for the link as well and Gord and I have decided the final plan for the gardens (which I hope Guy is going to send me for the blog).  All very exciting - and cold - up there at the moment.  Steve and Dave were up yesterday deciding levels for the dining room and back bedroom.  We (I should always say "they"!) are going to remove the whole of the roof over the dining room/bedroom area and start again.  The beams are not worth saving.

Footings for link

Dell the main man!